train with us
Each 90-Minute Session Includes:
Warmup (dynamic stretching, jogging, form drills, short accelerations)
Structured Run (at a ratio of approximately one coach to five runners)
Cooldown (jogging)
Strength, Flexibility, and Relaxation
The workout will be either an interval-training speed session or an endurance-enhancing tempo run. (See below for when and where each workout type is offered.)
We meet in some of the best parks in NYC (or anywhere else). Central Park’s 840 acres are world-famous, but even the locals often don’t know about its many miles of beautiful bridle paths or our infernally steep namesake, the Great Hill. The Bronx’s Van Cortlandt Park is home to perhaps the country’s most prestigious cross-country course, and Brooklyn’s Prospect Park boasts the longest uninterrupted grass field in any American park.
See specific times and locations below.
MANHATTAN: Central Park
We offer workouts every Tuesday and Thursday from 6:00 to 7:30 AM and 6:20 to 7:50 PM, with speedwork on Tuesdays and tempo runs on Thursdays.
6:00 AM: We meet in the park at the intersection of the 72nd Street Transverse and West Drive.
6:20 PM: We meet at the JackRabbit running store: 140 West 72nd Street (between Columbus Avenue and Broadway).
BROOKLYN: Prospect Park
Flatbush Avenue and Eastern Parkway
We meet every Tuesday from 6:30 to 8:00 PM for speedwork.
BRONX: Van Cortlandt Park
242nd Street and Broadway (East/park side of the street)
We meet every Wednesday from 6:30 to 8:00 AM, with speedwork and tempo runs on alternate weeks.

“I love running with Great Hill. The workouts are well-organized, appropriately challenging, and accommodating for runners of all abilities. It’s also a very welcoming and friendly group.”
— Dera N.